代印登記 - Print Service

使用須知 - Notice

  • 代印服務僅提供給台科大建築系所師生,或有修建築設計者
  • 管理員有權要求用戶提供身分證明/修課證明
  • 登記不等同排入列印排序,需與管理員確認無誤且繳費完必才會排入列印程序
  • 本服務不接受急件
  • 請先將要列印的STEP/STL上傳到雲端上,若檔案過大/多,請準備USB給管理員
  • 請確認填資訊訊正確,以便管理員與您聯絡
  • 登記前請先詳讀 <3D列印使用規範>
  • This service is only available to faculty and students of NTUST Department of Architecture, or those who are taking architecture design courses
  • When in doubt, the TA may ask you for proof of identity or proof of enrollment
  • Submission of this form does NOT place you in the print queue, only after TA have confirmed your file and recieved payment, will you then be placed in queue
  • We do not accept urgent requests
  • Please upload your STEP/STL to the cloud before submitting this form, if the file is too large/many, please prepare a USB for the TA
  • Please ensure your information is correct so our TA can contact you.
  • Please read our <3D Printer Terms of Service>
教職員/校外修課者填寫 X0 - Faculty or External student use X0
Print Type

登記結果 - Submission Result

By clicking submit you are agreeing to our Terms of Service


國立台灣科技大學 建築系
台北市 大安區
基隆路四段 43 號 RB809